Our Story

A small group of friends and family who believe in #love, #kindness and #blessings for all and supporting initiatives around the world helping the vulnerable wherever they may be, and we do it all in the memory of our beloved brother Niqash Saeed 1996-2023.

About Us

Honoring a Legacy of Kindness

In every community, there are individuals who embody the very essence of goodness, leaving an indelible mark on the hearts of those they encounter. Niqash Saeed was one such gentleman—a beacon of humility, courage, and boundless kindness. His presence touched the lives of many, leaving behind a legacy of compassion and selflessness that continues to inspire.

On January 4th, 2023, Niqash bid farewell to this world, leaving a profound void in the lives of those who cherished him as a son, grandson, brother, nephew, cousin, and dear friend. Yet, amidst the grief, emerged a poignant realization of the depth of his character. Stories began to surface, illuminating Niqash’s countless acts of kindness—deeds performed with no expectation of recognition, driven solely by his unwavering compassion for humanity.

Our Mission

A Movement of Compassion

In the wake of his passing, those who held Niqash dear found solace in emulating his virtues. They witnessed firsthand the transformative power of simple acts of kindness—the ripple effect of goodwill spreading far and wide. It was in these moments that the true impact of Niqash’s legacy became palpable, underscoring the profound joy that emanates from selflessly serving others.

United by a shared commitment to perpetuating Niqash’s spirit of generosity, we founded The NK Foundation—a testament to his enduring influence. Our mission is simple yet profound: to spread kindness far and wide, touching the lives of individuals across communities, cultures, and continents.

At the heart of our foundation lies a belief in the inherent goodness of humanity—a belief nurtured by Niqash’s example. Through acts of kindness, both big and small, we strive to cultivate a world where compassion reigns supreme—a world where every individual feels seen, valued, and loved.

What is


We often all know the right thing to do, but acting upon it can be difficult sometimes. #TheNKWay provides the courage and focus to reach out and take the first step, and if unsuccessful to reach out again as we have learnt that is the character Niqash had – he was never afraid to take the first step.

Your Action: Donate good deeds and acts of kindness, start from within and find the courage to take the first step when it comes to being kinder.

If you feel drawn to any of the causes below and wish to share in the blessings and smiles they will generate – feel free to contribute. We appreciate all the contributions and support we are getting but remember the biggest acts of kindness often don’t require money and are often focused on those most dear and close to us.